Monday, February 16, 2009

My Blog Has Moved!!

This blog is now closed. I now have a new (and much improved) blog at this address:

I have also launched my new website. You can access it at this address:

Monday, February 2, 2009

Website Launching Soon!

I am planning to launch my official website by the end of this month. I will also be retiring this blog and moving to a more flashy one with bigger photos. I am very excited about it all!!
Just a reminder to all my clients that my pricing structure will also be changing when I launch my website. You must book your session before the end of February to receive the old pricing structure.

And because I cannot post without a photo, here are a few recent ones for you...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sweet, Sweet Little Girl

What a sweetie this little girl is, she just loved the camera and I love the background of the clover patch she is lying in....simple yet beautiful.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!

It has been a while since I have posted! I have been very busy taking photos, completing a photography workshop run by the amazing Sheye Rosemeyer, enjoying a famliy holiday and dealing with all the usual end of year and Christmas stuff. I am also in the process of formalising my new photography business and have a logo, website and new, flashier blog in development. I am really looking forward to 2009!

I decided to schedule a "session" with my two girls recently in the hope of capturing some great images to put on our walls at home. I even managed to get Amelie to cooperate a bit with my ideas (I may have bribed her with a lollipop)....

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Newborn bliss!

This new baby boy is soooo adorable. It didn't take long for us to get him sleeping peacefully for his modelling session...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How lucky am I??

What a privilege it was to photograph these two beautiful twin sisters both pregnant and glowing. To share such a special life experience with a twin sister must be makes me wish I had a sister!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The D Family

I was very happy to do this session for a good friend of mine. We actually met in prenatal yoga class before our first babies were born and have been friends ever since. The fact that she has such a photogenic family made my job very easy!

This next shot is my favourite from the session.... aren't they sooo cute??