Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sweet, Sweet Little Girl

What a sweetie this little girl is, she just loved the camera and I love the background of the clover patch she is lying in....simple yet beautiful.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!

It has been a while since I have posted! I have been very busy taking photos, completing a photography workshop run by the amazing Sheye Rosemeyer, enjoying a famliy holiday and dealing with all the usual end of year and Christmas stuff. I am also in the process of formalising my new photography business and have a logo, website and new, flashier blog in development. I am really looking forward to 2009!

I decided to schedule a "session" with my two girls recently in the hope of capturing some great images to put on our walls at home. I even managed to get Amelie to cooperate a bit with my ideas (I may have bribed her with a lollipop)....